Extravagant Worship
Extravagant worship isn't about grand performances but a heart humbled and devoted to Jesus. Inspired by the woman who anointed Jesus' feet with her tears and expensive perfume, this blog explores how true worship is marked by humility, devotion, and sacrificial giving. What is it like to worship Jesus wholeheartedly, offering Him your most precious gifts?

Church Planting That Works
Growing up in a church plant, I learned the power of building a church community from the ground up early. Reflecting on decades of experience, I've gathered ten essential lessons that make church plants successful. From understanding the importance of contextualization and prioritizing discipleship to fostering leadership and maintaining a clear vision, these insights are crucial for anyone looking to plant a thriving church. Discover how to plant, water, transplant, and repeat to create a healthy, multiplying church community.

The Power of the Team
One of the pastors' most critical errors is trying to do everything alone. The best pastors focus on developing and deploying leaders according to their gifts, strengths, and abilities. Learn how to find, grow, and deploy leaders within your church, following Christ's model for leadership. From praying for leaders to conducting spiritual gift assessments, discover practical steps to build a strong, effective ministry team.